Be Derek's new 'Anna'!

"Anna Banana, I love you a bunch, Anna Banana" I am  sure you've heard that song, well to tell you honestly, I made it my ringing tone before. I so love Derek's video for Anna. And I also love Derek's mom for being so supportive. But when  I saw Anna's video response for Derek, I felt sad.

Can you imagine that she rejected Derek? She doesn't appreciate Derek's effort. Derek's family wants him to move on and find new Anna. 
That's sounds great right? So lets help him. Do you know girls age 12-16? Encourage them to upload videos for Derek at They can do anything to show him that he deserve's new Anna. And the new Ana will eventually appear in the next PLDT MYDSL commercial and will also receive a Samsung laptop with one year  PLDT MYDSL subscription.  To those who want to upload videos at the on the ground stations, you can drop by at 
  • Robinson Manila - Robinsons Place Manila, Level 1 fronting Jollibee Adriatico Wing on September 1 and 2;
  • SM Megamall - UGF BLdg B. Space 2 & 3 fronting French Baker on September 8 and 9
There will be meet and greet with Derek and his family on the said date at 4-7pm. 
Let's all help Derek!!!
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