God's Goodness

 I was reading the book of Jeremiah. Where God instructed him to tell the israelites:

You were unfaithful, but I am merciful, so I'll forgive you. I always  wanted to treat you as my children, and give you the best land. I wanted you to call me Father, and not turn from me.  You are unfaithful children, but you belong to me. Come home (jeremiah 3)

Faithfullness is one of the characteristics of God that  I really love. He remains faithful despite of our unfaithfulness. He remains loving God despite of our stubborn heart. He's still giving us mercy and forgiveness. He is actually giving what's best for us. Because what he prepares for us, is always the best. 

When we pray and we feel that God is not answering our prayer, it  is not because God doesn't hear it. Its not because God is far from us. It is us,  who actually turn away from God. 

You are unfaithful children, but you belong to me. Come home 

Go turn back to God. He's waiting for you. He loves you so much. 

You are unfaithful children, but you belong to me. Come home

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