When I created this, my purpose is to make this blog my online diary, but because of the influence of my blogger friends, it is now a public blog. And its now a year older.
And I want to thank everyone who has checked out this blog for whatever reason.
The winners will get:
- 200 worth of load
- Accessories from Princes
- Accessories from Rainbow Star
- Accessories from Clint Andrew
- Accessories from Fritzmine Online Shop
- Ribbon Winders from Lady With Random Thoughts
So here are the Mechanics
- Like Noel's Entry For Saranggola Blog Awards ( 5 points )
- Like Angelique's Entry for Studio Boheme ( 5 points )
- Like Past had passed, The Rainbow Star, LDWRT Clint Andrew on Facebook
- Subscribe on Fritzmine Online Shop on Facebook
- Follow Stargaze, Mahjakoto, Angelique, Clint Andrew , Josemine on Twitter
- Tweet
Join @mahjakoto Anniversary Giveaway and WIN Accessories and 200 worth of load by joining Past Had Passed First Anniversary Giveaway ♥7. Post on facebook
http://www.pasthadpassed.com/2012/11/first-anniversary-give-away.html ( tag two of your friends)
“WIN Accessories and 200 worth of load by joining @pasthadpassed Anniversary Giveaway! ♥8. Blog about the give away ( 10 pts)
9. Comment the following:
- Name:
- Email Address:
- Facebook Name:
- Twittter Username:
- Link of your facebook post:
- Link of your tweet:
- URL of your blog post:
- Referred by:
Another thing, Make sure you refer as many as you can so you can win a special prize from me. 

This contest will run from November 5, 2012 to November 23, 2012. Winner will be picked via Random.org and will be announced on November 24, 2012 and open for Philippines residents only.
Goodluck sa lahat ng sasali sa pacontest na ito .. Mukang masaya to ..wehehehe
ReplyName: Jamaica Isabel Buguis
ReplyEmail Address: jamaica_buguis@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: Jamaica Isabel
Twittter Username: @ohstrawberryyy
Link of your facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/jamaica.isabel/posts/467867079923194
Link of your tweet: https://twitter.com/ohstrawberryyy/status/265301262709424128
URL of your blog post: http://ohstrawberryyy.blogspot.com/2012/11/giveaway-by-dominant-hospitality.html
Referred by: --
Name: Rainne Villena
ReplyEmail Address: rainnevillena@gmail.com
Facebook Name: Rainne Villena
Twittter Username: @itsrainying
Link of your facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/lorraine.jane.villena/posts/430717926984842
Link of your tweet: https://twitter.com/itsrainying/status/265345699506438144
URL of your blog post:
Referred by: Jamaica Isabel Buguis
Name: Girlie Marie Joyce Kilario
ReplyEmail address: girlie_kilario@yahoo.com
Facebook name: Ghirlie Marie Joyce Kilario
Twitter username: @ghirlieee
Link of my facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/ghirlieee/posts/556473177701834
Link of my tweet:http://www.twitlonger.com/show/jt5lbq
Blog post URL: http://ghirlieee.blogspot.com/2012/11/past-had-passed-giveaway.html
Referred by: --
Name: Dhadha Garcia
ReplyEmail Address: dhadha{at}i-heart-contest{dot}com
Facebook Name: Dhadha G. IHC
Twittter Username: @iheartcontest
Link of your FB post: http://www.facebook.com/IHCbyDHA/posts/335206599911390
Link of your tweet: http://twitter.com/iheartcontest/status/265421621173551104
Referred by: Nadine Ochoa
Name: Jessamer Abing
ReplyEmail Address: jessamerabing@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: Je Abieny
Twittter Username: @jexxaaaaaa
Link of your facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=192466790890913&id=100003436076683
Link of your tweet: https://twitter.com/jexxaaaaaa/status/266124679998230528
URL of your blog post:http://iminandimnextjesaaaaxxxxx-jessa.blogspot.com/2012/11/first-anniversary-giveaway.html
Referred by: Jessiemer Abing
Name: Leonor Hiloma
ReplyEmail Address: aileen_hiloma@yahoo.com.ph
Facebook Name: Aileen Hiloma
Twittter Username: @allenhil2000
FBLink : https://www.facebook.com/aileen.hiloma/posts/390454047702009
TwitterLink: https://twitter.com/allenhil2000/status/266708713094656000
ReplyEmail Address:mariel_karence@yahoo.com
Facebook Name:Kaye Orinoco
Twittter Username:@karence1317
Link of your facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/kaye.orinoco/posts/224238161040470
Link of your tweet: https://twitter.com/karence1317/status/267127654623363072
URL of your blog post:http://callmemissorange13.tumblr.com/post/35387995835/past-had-passed
Referred by:---
Name: Nicole Pare
ReplyEmail Address: nicole_aint_perfect@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: Nix Aguilar Pare
Twittter Username: @N_aint_perfect
Link of your tweet: https://twitter.com/N_aint_perfect/status/267196819421933568
URL of your blog post: http://typeractivenyxx.blogspot.com/2012/11/dominant-hospitalitys-first-anniversary.html
Referred by: Jamaica Isabel Buguis
Name: April Grace Gregorio
ReplyEmail Address: atiya.gregorio@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: April Grace Gregorio
Twittter Username: @MsEunMi
Link of your facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/aprilgrace.gregorio/posts/244666932327385
Link of your tweet:https://twitter.com/MsEunMi/status/269292697498554368
URL of your blog post:http://missaprilg.blogspot.com/2012/11/pasthadpassed-1st-anniversary-giveaway.html
Referred by:-
Name: Gizette Cao
ReplyEmail Address: gizettecao@gmail.com
Facebook Name: Gizette Cao
Twittter Username: @RnG26
Link of your facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/zette.zi/posts/191466547656723
Link of your tweet: https://twitter.com/RnG26/status/269362584996691968
Referred by:
Name: Marlene R. Yanga
ReplyEmail Address: marlenerivera31@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: Marlene Rivera Yanga
Twittter Username: @itsmepriceless
Link of your facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/marleneryanga31/posts/252741188184623
Link of your tweet:https://twitter.com/itsmepriceless/status/270547860003631104
Referred by:
Name: Lizabeth M. Baldoz
ReplyEmail Address: lizabeth_lee18@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: betty baldoz
Twittter Username: @bettybaldoz
Link of your facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/betty.baldoz.7/posts/513192538692445
Link of your tweet: https://twitter.com/bettybaldoz/status/265411331090427904
URL of your blog post: http://matabangpwet.tumblr.com/post/36202614819/first-anniversary-giveaway-by-dominant-hospitality
Referred by:
Name: Maria Angelica H. Dimaandal
ReplyEmail Address: angelica.dimaandal@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: Maan H. Dimaandal
Twittter Username: @B2STLYOSEOB125
Link of your facebook post:
Link of your tweet:
https://twitter.com/B2STLYOSEOB125/status/271203447699828739 and
URL of your blog post:
Referred by: Kristel Pedro, Neneth H. Dimaandal
Hi. Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi. Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!!
ReplyHi Marlene Hi. Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi Gizette Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi April Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi Nicole Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi Aileen Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi Jessa Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi Dhada Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi Girlie Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi Loreine Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyHi Isabel Thanks For joining my giveaway
You still have a week to refer your friends to join!! Goodluck!
ReplyName: Jessiemer ABing
ReplyEmail Address: jessiemerabing@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: Jessie Abing
Twittter Username: @JessieDCa
Link of your facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/jessie.abing.39/posts/358900740872464
Link of your tweet: https://twitter.com/JessieDCa/status/271580065110843392
Referred by: Jessamer Abing
Name: Crystal Marie Cañete
ReplyEmail Address: dearcrysy@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: Crysy G. Cañete
Twittter Username: @dearcrysy
FB post: http://www.facebook.com/taloycanete/posts/253531154773151
Link of your tweet:
URL of your blog post:
Name: Cheska E. Pagsanjan
ReplyEmail Address: cheska_1234@yahoo.com
Facebook Name: Cheska Pagsanjan
Twittter Username: @gotchessyvibes
Link of your facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/mvcep/posts/366867980071700
Link of your tweet:https://twitter.com/gotchessyvibes/status/271967885289738240
URL of your blog post: http://gotchessyvibes.tumblr.com/post/36350985996/dominant-hospitality-first-anniversary
Referred by: @ohstrawberryy
Hi Cheska! Thankyou!
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