Inspired by a sunrise

When everything seems complicated, when everything suffocates you, Go back to basic.

Go back to the attitude you had in the beginning. If you find it hard to wake up in the morning because all you think is you’ll be doing the same thing over and over again, inspire yourself not with what you should do but with what will you get after doing such thing.

Persistence is a must in every area of our lives. Career. Studies. Family. Building relationship. Sports. It requires all your effort. It will demand of your time. And will cost you financially. But do remember that what you do today is an investment of what you will be in the future.  So if you want to have a better future, start inspiring yourself every morning. Start your day right. Pray first in the morning. Set your daily agenda.  

I have a secret to tell you, you should see the the sunrise regularly. It will help you see the positive perspective of life. 
“It's a new day. Yesterday's failure is redeemed at the sunrise” 
― Todd Stocker, Dancing with God


nice post. And the fact that we view it as a sunrise (rather than a sunset) is a good indication of positivity. seeing sunrise in the morning praying is a good thing to start the day right


The Bargain Doll


It's nice to look at the sunrise.. but I love looking at the sunset too.. it just reminds me how life is so short that you'll never know if tomorrow, the sun will rise again..


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