What to do when it gets broken?

I have been using my computer’s keyboard for almost 2 years. And that keyboard is serving me 18/24 of the day. Just this day, the control key of my keyboard was broken.

And I came to the realization
  • That not everything you do/use will not remain the way it used to be. Its value depreciates. It’s color’s fade. And the sad reality that you will only notice it once it was broken
  • That you can still control it. Once it was broken, you have the control over it. You either get a new, or fix it.

The decision is always lies in your hand. Everything is vulnerable. Everything can be broken.  Your career. Your relationship. Your family. Your studies. Your keyboard. It’s up to you if you will fix it so you can still have it. Or will choose to have new.

By the way, I still use my keyboard. I just asked someone to fix my control key. 


aw! hope it will be fixed used dear! in my case, I bought a new cover for my laptop's keyboards. I've been using the old one for 2 years also.


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