Faith. The bible tells us that faith is being sure of what we hope for (Hebrews 11:1) It is believing for the things unseen and claiming things to happen. One of my prayers to God everyday is to increase my faith. I believe being faithful is something we should work on to. Being faithful doesn't work overnight, or even a week or a month. Unless we believe, and we surrender and we obey to the Lord, we can never experience a new level of faithfulness in our lives.
Our lives are always bound of limitations. There is actually a study of scare resources; Economics. In accounting, there is deficiency. So how could we believe for more where we are just limited?
No matter how much we wanted to be faithful, to work for our faith. Limitation is always on our way. So you want to enroll in a popular university but reality hits you that your parents cant send you to school. You want to own a house and lot, plus a car, but you're just earning 12,000.00. Tsk. That hurts. So how could you believe that there's more, if in REALITY. You are in debt.
Could God possible send your request in your house so you could buy the things you hope for? The car, the house and lot, the medicine for your sick relative, the girlfriend/boyfriend (This shouldn't be bought :p ) the braces, the clothes, the investment for the business and you name it. To tell you sadly. No. It could not! But one thing is sure. GOD WILL SURELY PROVIDE. In what way? I dont know. His provision for my needs might be different from yours. God's provision in your life, is for you to find out :)
My God will use his wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need-Philippians 4:19, NCV
Yes. The reality is, we are always limited. But the limitations in our circumstances is an opportunity to trust the unlimited God.
I want to share you a song, and I hope it'd help you trust God and be in faith
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