Are you one of those who are spending more after
getting your pay check? Or those who planned to budget their finances but still
ending up with no saving at all?
not easy to save. Im trying, but Im always failing.
Maybe you answered that way when someone asked you if
you have your savings. Well to tell you
honestly it’s not easy. But. But it is
possible isn’t it? If other people can manage their finances well, so are
The secret of those who managed their money isn’t
because of their salary. So if you’re just a minimum wage earner, it’s good
news for you. Because yes! You can also do that. Want to know how?
Uh oh. Does the world discipline frighten you? It’s not easy to save right? But, with the
right discipline, it is possible. If you want to start saving, you should start
how to discipline yourself from not spending more than what you earn. And to discipline
yourself means to start today. Not tomorrow. Not when you have your increase in
your salary. Not when you’re already married. It is today.
Contrary to the title of this post, I want to encourage
you to discipline yourself from being a spender to saver.
I want to end this with a quotes from Jim Rohn
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
I pray you get the right discipline to reach the goal you want to
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