My Senators are:

  1. Belgica, Greco- Lawyer, Pastor
  2. Escudero, Chiz-Lawyer
  3. Falcone, Baldomero- Business Consultant
  4. Gordon, Richard- Lawyer
  5. Hagedorn, Ed- City Mayer
  6. Honasan, Gringo- Legistator
  7. Hontiveros, Risa- NGO Worker
  8. Legarda, Loren- Legistator
  9. Llasos, Marwil- Lawyer, Educator
  10. Señeres, Christian- NGO Worker
  11. Villanueva, Eddie- Preacher

If you wish to know them better, you can click the link so you can see their profile and leadership achievements. Let's vote wisely!!


maybe you can put Teddy Casino on your number 12... here is a brief summary of his track record in congress... He is the principal author of four laws that have benefited the poor and marginalized sectors, namely: the Public Attorneys Act of 2007 (R.A. 9406) which strengthened the Public Attorneys Office and expanded its free legal services to poor litigants; the Tax Relief Act of 2009 (R.A. 9504) which exempts minimum wage earners from witholding taxes; the Rent Control Act of 2009 (R.A. 9653) which put a cap on rent for low-income earners; and the Anti-Torture Act of 2009 (R.A. 9745) which penalizes torture.... you can click the link below to know him more...


I only have 4 and that’s it:
1. Villanueva
2. Hagedorn
3. Belgica
4. Ricardo Penson


Give Me reason why should I vote Penson I might consider it


Let me see, I'll post my final senators on sunday night. Thanks for the info


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